What exactly is a Goddess Session?

Ten minutes into my most recent Goddess Session, my client, who on the way to our photo shoot was expressing their overwhelming nerves, had a huge smile on her face. She was visibly giddy and exclaimed “Oh my god, this is so fun! I feel so liberated!”

THAT is one of the many goals of a Goddess Session. It is a place for self-expression, to shake off all of the day to day expectations you hold of yourself, to RELEASE and LIBERATE.

My idea for starting the Goddess Session’s came from a book I was reading, ‘Women who run with the wolves’ by Clarissa Pinkola Estés. All of the stories in this book are about the wild and intuitive woman. The book got me thinking about the patriarchal culture I live in… how it is constantly telling us how we are supposed to look, think, and behave. (By ‘us’ I mean mainly anyone who does not identify as a cis-gendered male, although that is not to say I don’t recognize the negative pressures and implications that the patriarchy puts on boys and men in our society as well.) I wondered, how many of us are disconnected, or feel lost, from our ‘wild’ intuitive soul? How, through my art and creativity, can I encourage people to reconnect and/or draw out their wild, natural selves?

I admire the underdogs SO much. Despite living in a culture that is constantly trying to shape us into what it wants us to be, we fight back every day. We are so strong and resilient, and I want to give us a space to honour and celebrate ourselves.

So, what exactly is a Goddess Session, and why is it called a Goddess Session? To me, a Goddess is a spiritual energy within us all that is confident and strong. The Goddess is intuitive and vulnerable, and when we draw upon the Goddess’s energy we connect with our our true selves. A Goddess Session therefore is a creative portrait session meant to draw out your inner Goddess; your wildness, strength, sensuality, or whatever it is that makes you feel powerful and confident like a Goddess.

The Goddess Session is a liberating and empowering experience. The end goal of this photo shoot is to have experienced something celebratory and freeing, and to have connected with an inner part of yourself that makes you feel alive. The photos are the bonus end product of your personal celebration, of which you get to look back on and cherish for the rest of your life.

I had a client admit to me that leading up to her Goddess Session she felt ‘silly and self-indulgent’. Hearing this broke my heart. We’re all trying to keep up with our busy lives every single day, and we definitely do not carve out enough important ‘me’ time. A Goddess Session is NOT self-indulgent. It is about taking the time to do something unique for yourself.

The idea of the ‘wild’ is also why I do all of the Goddess Session’s outdoors. Connecting with nature is essential to our lives- in grounding us, helping us feel at peace and calm. Doing the photo session outdoors helps us both channel that calming and grounding energy. And there’s something beautifully child like and freeing about being barefoot crawling along rocks or frolicking in the grass.

I hope this gives you all a clear idea of what I mean when I keep posting on my social media about the Goddess Session’s. It’s time, let’s draw out your WILD SELF! Get in touch NOW!

She was art, and she was not painted by accident. every stroke of her beauty, imperfectly perfect, was created with purpose.” – a.j. lawless